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Not sure if this is appropriate, it said to tap on a comment to to comment, here we go:

It’s doubtful what’s being presented as real, is what it is, as or a known unknown as the earlier, alleged, weasel, Rumsfeld said.

We’ve been down this attempted path, before, just never beaten back the devil, and then, the minds weakened by a lifetime of Nikita’s promise in 1965 “overthrow the U.S. without firing a shot, is nearing fruition. It’s up to us to stop it. We are actually the majority. He is well under 50% of the vote, and still falling, as the vote is counted. It’s all bluster & thunder, designed to scare us into submission. Don’t fall for it. Fight for your and your and the the future prodigy of all peoples. At one time, my my people where considered the lowest of all. There are historical cartoons, and literature to prove it. Education taught me, I could learn anything.

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