I find it flabbergasting that there are still people who fall for this hideous scam of the century. After everything that has been uncovered and all the information that is now available, something like this still being possible and even being considered is not only scandalous but a horrific crime against humanity and all it stands for. How can a government consider even proposing a law that will imprison people for refusing a vaccine that has literally no benefit but the potential to do great harm?
“The path of least resistance is the path of the loser.” — H. G. Wells

Even the most ignorant individuals must realise that something is terribly wrong and that it has absolutely nothing to do with saving lives or even the well-being of the people. It is a crime against humanity with the goal to take away our freedom!
“Our whole life is set up in the path of least resistance. We don't want to suffer. We don't want to feel discomfort. So the whole time, we're living our lives in a very comfortable area. There's no growth in that.” — David Goggins
Just look at the data that is available and dig a bit deeper than what the media is showing. Follow the money and it is clear for whom the media is reporting.

The next brilliant idea that is successively being implemented are the 15 minute cities - the next stage of ensuring total submission and with this slavery.
“Without a moral framework, there is nothing left but immediate self-indulgence by some and the path of least resistance by others. Neither can sustain a free society.” — Thomas Sowell
A 12-year-old gets it! It is about total control and still, too many people are completely indifferent to what is happening right under their noses.

Wake up and consider if this is the life you want for yourself, your children, and future generations. Once all of this is installed, it will be a long and difficult process to reverse. This must be prevented by all means. And no matter how they try to sell this to us, it is not for the climate, it is not for our safety. It is for the gain of power and money for just a few.

These are not conspiracy theories but the brutal realitiy!
“The history of liberty is a history of resistance.” — Woodrow Wilson
🎶My Song of the Day
You can choose to have a good day…
For more good music, go to this Spotify playlist where you can find all the songs from the Change & Evolve Letters!
📚My Poem of the Day
Is by Adrienne Rich (1929–2012)
What Kind of Times Are These
There's a place between two stands of trees where the grass grows uphill and the old revolutionary road breaks off into shadows near a meeting-house abandoned by the persecuted who disappeared into those shadows. I've walked there picking mushrooms at the edge of dread, but don't be fooled this isn't a Russian poem, this is not somewhere else but here, our country moving closer to its own truth and dread, its own ways of making people disappear. I won't tell you where the place is, the dark mesh of the woods meeting the unmarked strip of light— ghost-ridden crossroads, leafmold paradise: I know already who wants to buy it, sell it, make it disappear. And I won't tell you where it is, so why do I tell you anything? Because you still listen, because in times like these to have you listen at all, it's necessary to talk about trees.
Lake Starnberg once again on a sunny winter day!
To begin any kind of transformation, you have to know what your story is before you can navigate to something better and write a new story, becoming the best possible version of yourself. This is what the Enneagram and I can do for you. I would be happy to take the time for a speed coaching call that you can reserve right here go to my website or simply hit reply and get in touch with me directly.
Thank you for reading and if you enjoy it, share it, leave a ❤️, or a comment. Wishing you a wonderful day wherever you are!
Tanja 🤗
Not sure if this is appropriate, it said to tap on a comment to to comment, here we go:
It’s doubtful what’s being presented as real, is what it is, as or a known unknown as the earlier, alleged, weasel, Rumsfeld said.
We’ve been down this attempted path, before, just never beaten back the devil, and then, the minds weakened by a lifetime of Nikita’s promise in 1965 “overthrow the U.S. without firing a shot, is nearing fruition. It’s up to us to stop it. We are actually the majority. He is well under 50% of the vote, and still falling, as the vote is counted. It’s all bluster & thunder, designed to scare us into submission. Don’t fall for it. Fight for your and your and the the future prodigy of all peoples. At one time, my my people where considered the lowest of all. There are historical cartoons, and literature to prove it. Education taught me, I could learn anything.