Wishing all unmasking was more revered... What about acupuncture and cold laser to heal foot faster? (Works SO well.) You cleverly connect the micro dots for a macro view of our gas-lit world. Enjoyed Diana/Michael unmasked video! Thank you!

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Thank you as always for your encouragement and support, Desert Jewel! 🤗🙏🏼

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Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about the foot Tanja, that's most unfortunate. I hope it heals soon enough. I think this is my first time listening to your letters, is the foot is affecting your writing? Ha! Well done with the mask free approach, you are showing leadership there, which takes courage.

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Thank you, Jon. My foot did not affect my writing - I still write with my fingers - but perhaps you did not get the written version. I am always surprised why some subscribers do not receive certain editions… But if you would like to read it, here is the link https://changeandevolve.substack.com/p/when-the-world-is-upside-down

And thank you for your encouragement and support. Have a wonderful weekend!

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Thanks Tanja, I normally get the two emails, only one this time. I can see the break on that X-ray, quite substantial given the size of the bone, but along rather across, so hopefully that means no loss of structural integrity, though I have zero medical knowledge.

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