Neil Oliver is very good, but I rarely get to hear him, connection speed issues mostly. I like the Margaret Atwood quote too. and I wonder if that is the key to successful politics - if you can get a good story, and a good story teller, then you can sell anything. The tragedy is, of course, that we get sold all sorts of rubbish if we don't have the knowledge to discriminate.

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Thank you for your feedback,Jon, as always, very much appreciated. I believe politics IS storytelling and they don’t even try very hard anymore to make them good ones. The storytellers are becoming more and more unbelievable and yet it still works. We desperately need to question these stories and dismantle them.

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Really good thoughts Tanja and the video by Neil Oliver who is always worthwhile listening to. I have been working with my niece who is interviewing for a college scholarship and sent this post on which has such simple and useful ideas. Thanks!

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Thank you, Reuben, I believe the simpler and more transparent we make things, the better. I hope it helps your niece.

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