Tanja - this is truly shocking but definitely a coordinated series of events taking place internationally like drag queen story hour and other similar things even happening in the US military. You have to wonder who is the central coordinator behind all this? Clearly this event didn't happen in Germany as a result of teachers deciding - a dance program with men licking and kissing each other seems a great idea for the young pupils. It seems to be program to normalize evil. I don't think this would be allowed in China!

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It is truly horrifying and thank you

for sending me this article. I hope it is ok if I share it here in the comments. I believe the more people know about this the better. Not any of this should be allowed anywhere. Children are vulnerable and impressionable creature that need to be protected!

This is a must read: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/05/children-targeted-by-who-standards-for-sexuality-education-in-europe/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=UNFI%20%2020230509%20%20AL&utm_content=UNFI%20%2020230509%20%20AL+CID_3bd413af130edeb87d0fad53a9d08cd3&utm_source=CampaignMonitor_Australia&utm_term=Children%20targeted%20by%20WHO%20Standards%20of%20Sexuality%20Education%20in%20Europe

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