My mother-in-law (Potsdam) told me yesterday that she had thrown out her stash of Russisch Brot (a kind of cookie in the form of letters. Delish btw.) and would boycott them from here on out. I explained that this would make the Teutonic manufacturer Bahlsen very sad. I don’t think it registered.

What freaks me out is the ability of the entire Western press to pivot from COVID panic to Putin panic within days and without any sense that they even remember the subject they claimed to be an existential danger just last week.

It’s as if somebody uploaded a new program overnight.

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In USA. My sisters made a pivot within a few days of castigating me for being unvaxxed to castigating me for not texting about Ukraine enough. (I was considered “detached”). It was a very creepy moment. Both are liberals. Last summer cured that particular mental illness in myself. I am “detached” from politics now. I feel free. It’s simply a “dance with the 2 headed devil”. They just take turns leading.

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