We are all “conspiracy theorists” now. Lol I’m okay with that. It helps immensely knowing we aren’t alone in these evil times. I don’t care what label someone else places upon me. And others are free to believe what they wish, although I may disagree with their views. That is the nature of actual freedom.

Your assessment is, I believe, accurate. They are distracting us with words and actions that in the long run mean nothing. Giving back what they should NEVER have been able to take away is not cause for celebration, especially since they continue ratcheting up their control over humanity in other ways.

Despite all this, I remain steadfast in my certainty that they will fail in the end. They despise and are ultimately shaking their fist at God, and make war upon us because we are His creation. Many have woken up to from their apathy or slumber and can now see this is a fight between good and evil. I know who will triumph in that fight.

But it may be a protracted battle, and heavy costs incurred on we who stand for freedom and goodness. I pray not, but there are no guarantees, except that we don’t fight alone. Your posts have been very helpful in keeping me centered and help me look up and out, not drowning in the circumstances or my own inadequacy. Keep on writing and sharing.

The Buffalo Springfield song you shared has always been a favorite of mine. A good cry to raise in these days, “Everybody look what’s going down!” They aren’t hiding it anymore, and the gloves are off. More will awaken and rise to stand against them.

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Thank you so much for your feedback. I am with you as there is one thing I truly believe and I have said it before and don't tire to repeat it: Good is stonger than evil! Love is stronger than hate. Good and Love will prevail in the end, they just need a little longer as they do not work with violence!

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And to think that I used to be a member of the FDP…

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