My goodness Tanja, what a nightmare! I know nothing about this area and can see that narcissists (perhaps we all are?) are hard to detect and maybe only in retrospect? This seems likely, particularly for covert narcissists. I suppose a good study for us - in relation to overt narcissists is Donald Trump. I have been fascinated by him ever since he came down the gold escalator in 2015. To succeed at that level it seems that you have to be a narcissist - because it is only self-belief that sustains you in the face of relentless attack. However, it looks as though everything ultimately is turned into being about you. There must be elements of narcissism in all of us but it seems that it can be hard to detect and very destructive in relationships because the narcissist is seeking the "hit" to continually reinforce their self-worth. It looks like walking through a dangerous minefield. I'm on alert!

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Thank you Reuben, it was quite a nightmare but also a learning for life. And very true, Trump is a great example for an overt narcissist. They are definitely so much easier to spot than the covert narcissists. But we have to be carefull to distinguish between narcissistic tendencies and full blown narcissists. More about that next week.

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