Tanja, what an awesome post! I’m about to “ball up” and do some serious glad-mad-hattin’ of my own today - consequences be damned or better yet praised! Thanks for this unexpected extra shot of mad mojo force fortification!
Love that Al Stewart version of his biggest hit with that stellar piano playing, screaming guitar work, killer wailing sax and of course Al’s unique vocal mastery. Another of his songs was a big favorite of mine way back in that day. Not sure this was truly a live performance though:
Tanja, what an awesome post! I’m about to “ball up” and do some serious glad-mad-hattin’ of my own today - consequences be damned or better yet praised! Thanks for this unexpected extra shot of mad mojo force fortification!
Love that Al Stewart version of his biggest hit with that stellar piano playing, screaming guitar work, killer wailing sax and of course Al’s unique vocal mastery. Another of his songs was a big favorite of mine way back in that day. Not sure this was truly a live performance though:
Thank you so much and I am happy to have inspired a little madness. I love On The Border as well and here is a live version:
I really appreciate your feedback. Have a glad-mad weekend!
“Nur wer Erwachsen wird und Kind bleibt, ist ein Mensch.”
Erich Kästner
Dem habe ich nichts hinzuzufügen 🙏🏼!
Thank you for your feedback and for reminding me of this amazing song. I am glad that you could preserve your spark of madness!