Today’s letter was inspired by some news I had heard after the regional elections in Bavaria and Hesse.
In the German state of Hesse, the newly elected government has decided to abolish school grades. When someone told me about it I truly believed this to be a very bad joke. Unfortunately, it is true. It is not all schools but a lot of them. The evaluation of pupils should in the future be in writing instead of in school grades except in the case of a change of school, for example. Frankly, I am shocked about this and I weep for the children that are stuck in this kind of school system - which in my eyes has been damaged for a long time and now is truly broken. The generation that will come out of that will most likely be weak, without ambition or goals because everything is softened and they expect things to just be handed to them. It's like parents telling children the fairy tale that they can become anything they want. I'm all for encouraging children and giving them all opportunities possible. But I also believe that it should be in accordance with a child's gifts and talents. A child who is unmusical and cannot sing will probably not become a singing star. It is weaponising their stupidity and using it against them and setting them up for utter failure.
People especially children are being coddled and raised without values, without a little competition, or ambition. They are being brainwashed and gaslighted to become dependent on the state and are bombarded and overwhelmed with a digital world that makes sure that the next dopamine kick is available to keep them hooked on electronics.
Interestingly there are so many films where we actually see what is happening and what is in store for us. Things that perhaps were perceived as entertaining now have a very different quality in retrospect. In 2008 Disney showed us the future of the generations to come in the animated film WALL·E. I am not speaking about the climate catastrophe but the degeneration of humankind. This clip is especially concerning and shows the direction in which things are going if we do not change something for our children quickly:
I do hope I am just being too worried or perhaps too pessimistic in this case. It feels a bit like the good old “panem et circenses” (bread and games), just a lot worse! Time will have to tell.
I also believe that the orchestrated lockdowns worldwide, the measures that chipped at our liberty and personal freedom have also taken their toll on humankind. Just watching the news makes you lose several IQ points - which is why I refuse to watch television - imagine what happens if you do that on a regular basis. Fear makes you less aware of what is really happening and being held in this constant state of fear is a form of weaponising stupidity.
I have said it several times before - we are living in World War III and have been for years. One of the reasons that this is even possible is that with the gaslighting, the brainwashing that has been going on for such a long time - not only in the past few years - the obtuseness of the people is being weaponised against them. I also believe that this is being strongly enhanced by the gender babble as well as the climate hoax and all the other ludicrous ideologies that are being forced upon us.
I fear that the endgame here is more devastating than many can possibly imagine and as always I pray that I am very wrong and it is all just in my head. I would rather go mad and be delusional than be correct about the things that are unraveling at this time.
At the risk of being repetitive...
I can only stress again and again how important it is to pay exclusively with cash. It may already be too late and it feels so comfortable and relaxed to pay with a plastic card, mobile phone, or smartwatch.
This is not only promoting ignorance but also convenience.
When cash is finally abolished, NOTHING will stand in the way of a social credit system and enslavement will progress at lightning speed. A cashless society will finally rob us of our remaining freedom. And for all those who have not yet understood or feel it doesn’t concern them I would like to explain it once again - I am aware that I am indefatigable - with simple examples.
1. Our money will just a number on a computer. Everything can disappear at the push of a button.
2. Total surveillance! Many will say that we already have this anyway and they are certainly not entirely wrong. However, at the moment we still have the possibility to keep our consumption habits to ourselves by paying cash, provided we don't use so-called loyalty cards like Payback or others that are exclusively designed to track and register our behaviour.
With the introduction of digital currency and the elimination of cash, there will very quickly be a social credit system along the lines of the Chinese model. Those who are good and have been properly inoculated against everything, those who follow the given narrative and do not rebel, and those who have perhaps collected a few extra points by denouncing their neighbours, friends, and family members will perhaps retain one or the other "privileges". Of course, these are not real privileges, they are the simplest things that have been stolen from you in advance, e.g. the purchase of a bar of chocolate or something else that has become an absolute luxury and now serves as a reward for good behaviour.
Most people turn a blind eye to how our freedoms are being restricted or taken away bit by bit. I even hear people defending it passionately in the name of the greater good. Somehow I fail to see the good in censorship and sexualising children, to name just a few.
They are not only counting on gullibility, they encourage it to then weaponise it against the people.
In summary: pay everything in cash, protect your children, question everything, turn off your television, look for like-minded people - your karass - and most of all keep your faith and never lose hope!
🎶My Song of the Week
A song that I’ve had on repeat quite a bit lately… Bukahara with Happy!
For more good music, go to this Spotify playlist where you can find all the songs from the Change & Evolve Letters!
📚My Poem of the Week
Is by John Clare (1793-1864)
The Instinct Of Hope
Is there another world for this frail dust To warm with life and be itself again? Something about me daily speaks there must, And why should instinct nourish hopes in vain? ’Tis nature’s prophesy that such will be, And everything seems struggling to explain The close sealed volume of its mystery. Time wandering onward keeps its usual pace As seeming anxious of eternity, To meet that calm and find a resting place. E’en the small violet feels a future power And waits each year renewing blooms to bring, And surely man is no inferior flower To die unworthy of a second spring?
A stunning morning view from my balcony… It’s the little things we need to see once in a while as there is so much beauty around us if we are willing to see it.
Despite all I write and see, I am still hopeful and feel so much joy, especially in those little things. I still have faith and I most certainly do surround myself with wonderful people. How do you feel?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments or send me a message. I very much enjoy hearing from you.
Wishing you a beautiful weekend full of love and hope.
Tanja 🤗
And I thought the education system in the US was bad! Here we have something called Common Core. "The Common Core State Standards describe learning goals for each grade level in math and English language arts, with a focus on preparing students for college and the real world. The standards were developed by a group of state education chiefs and governors with help from teachers and curriculum experts. Forty-three states have adopted the standards and are currently implementing them in their public schools." I have worked in my school district (as a teacher's assistant) and have seen firsthand how ridiculous this idea is. All topics are rushed through so who knows if anything sinks in? Time in class to complete assignments is limited, then forgotten. The creative arts have taken a hit as has physical education. No time (or funding) for that stuff, at least in the primary years. While each district has a Mission, I believe it's more of an infomercial than anything else. Just words spouted without an understanding of how they will be executed.
I have seen the Wall-E movie and the scene you noted has been here for decades. Everywhere I go, I see morbidly obese people. It shouldn't be surprising as most of the junk food is sold at drive-thru restaurants. People don't even have to walk to get their food! I feel disgust when I see 20-30 cars in the drive up lane, all waiting for crispy fried garbage and half-gallons of artificially dyed GMO corn syrup. At all times of the day!
I saw an interview with Katherine Austin-Fitts where she suggested using cash once a week. Ha! I now pay cash for everything; groceries, sundries, restaurants. During the height of the pandemic, cash wasn't allowed, or only if you had exact change! That has let up quite a bit, but you can see the push towards a cashless society. Some stores participate in "fundraising" where the cashier asks if you want to "round up" your sale. They collect the difference for a charity, allegedly. I say no thanks because I want to force them to use coins and paper money. All these little tricks businesses have to deter the use of cash.
On the other hand, I live near many forest preserves and partake of them daily. It's always a banner day when I see wildlife. My husband and I have Sunday drives out to the country where we hike and picnic. Life is good despite all the nonsense. Blue sky days are my favorite but I love a rainy day, too. I look forward to the day when we can buy a house with some acreage to grow more of our own vegetables and fruits and have a grown children nearby doing the same. Thanks for reading.
It is really interesting to hear about Hesse. Do regional governments have a lot of autonomy about what they do in relation to policies such as education? I have read about the German family who escaped to the US because it is not possible to homeschool children in Germany. This seems to be a clear sign that the purpose of education is indoctrination into state-based thinking. Is it possible to opt out of the German education system or does the state come knocking on parents' doors?
Loved the balcony photo and learnt a new word today -karass - which I discovered means "A network or group of people that, unknown to them, are somehow affiliated or linked, specifically to fulfill the will of God. " It's an amazing concept and I must learn more.
A good reminder about cash - many places in Australia no longer accept cash and I imagine that the same is happening in Germany. Ultimately, the lure of convenience results in us signing our own surveillance warrant. It does seem like most are asleep and the collective amnesia from the COVID lockdowns is extraordinary. What is coming out of the UK COVID inquiry is frightening because the main idea is that lockdowns should have been sooner, harder and longer. FInding our "karass" seems to be the only way forward.