I haven’t done any Special Issues for quite a while but when I read this article that was published by Till-Reimer Stoldt today in DIE WELT, I simply had to share this with you. Every time I believe nothing can surprise or upset me anymore, they prove me so terribly wrong. The Pedophiles are truly on the rise and even thinking about what is suggested in this article is horrifying and sickening and I weep for our children.
For everyone who speaks and understands German, here is the original article from today: SEXUALKUNDE IN KITA UND SCHULE
And of course, here is the English translation:
Where men bear babies and "man and woman" are taboo
Hand puppets used in Germany's only course of study on "Applied Sexology" in Merseburg
Whether masturbation rooms in day-care centres or advertising for gender reassignment in schools - a small gender policy revolution has taken place in the federal states. At the forefront: North Rhine-Westphalia. Only one party protests against men giving birth. And parents have a say.
Children should be able to "withdraw into a protected space" "to discover and satisfy themselves physically". This is the conviction of a day-care centre in Kerpen. In their sexual education concept, they state that the day-care centre offers "children free space to try out their childlike sexuality". Masturbation is something normal. Allowing masturbation" in day-care centres is "of great importance".
In a day-care centre in Rheinberg, doctor games are also prepared in adjoining rooms - but with rules for the little ones: "They carefully choose the child who plays along. And beforehand, "it is explained to the children that no objects are inserted into body orifices (e.g. genitals)", according to their concept, which was recently made public by the AfD.
Should such concepts be tolerated or banned? There are different views on this nationwide. Almost identical incidents were reported shortly before from a day-care centre in Hanover. The State Youth Welfare Office and the State of Lower Saxony then put a stop to this practice.
In NRW, the view is somewhat different. When asked how the green-led children's ministry in NRW assessed the handling of masturbation in the two day-care centres, it replied that "sexual behaviour by children" could "not be prevented". The ministry emphasises that "separate rooms solely for sexual self-exploration in day-care centres" are "not provided for". However, the ministry does not want to contact the two day-care centres.
The underestimated veto power of parents
In terms of sex education and gender theory, day-care centres and schools in NRW have opened up widely - for a very liberal course, which is currently also supported by many sex educators. But this change is mainly taking place only in theory. It is hardly ever put into practice. For one thing, parents have a right to have a say in questions of sex education practice in day-care centres and schools. For example, the NRW educational principles for the 11,000 day-care centres state that because of the different "cultural, religious and family ideas", "the subject of the body and sexuality must be dealt with with the involvement of parents". On the other hand, practice-oriented inspectors of the state youth welfare offices are more cautious than theory-loving authors of sexual education concepts.
This is also confirmed by the Children's Ministry. Although it does not want to do anything against day-care concepts that recommend sexual exploration rooms, it makes it clear that the state youth welfare offices would not allow such rooms in NRW either. This sounds contradictory, but it means: many wild ideas may appear in concepts - but not in reality.
There is eager debate throughout Germany about whether, like the Federal Centre for Health Education, one should plead for nursery doctor games because child and adult sexuality cannot be equated, or whether, like the psychotherapist Christian Spaemann, one should warn that assaults by children on children happen "so quickly that nursery school teachers are usually too late". There are even passionate arguments about these issues. But the dispute does not (yet) have too much to do with everyday practice.
"Think about the possibility that trans men can also have children".
This discrepancy between expansive theory and moderate practice is also evident in a handout for daycare educators from 2022 called "Queer in the day-care!". It comes from the "Queer Network NRW", which is financially supported by the state. The state has also promoted the guide. Among other things, it gives daycare educators literature tips on the question of how offspring are formed: "Avoid books that talk about 'man and woman'," is one piece of advice. The guide does not address the question of what would then remain of world children's literature.
"Think about the possibility that trans* men and inter* people can also have children," the guidebook further recommends. "The prerequisite for having a child is not to be a woman, but to have a uterus and ovaries. Men can do that too." The vast majority of human biologists refer to people with a uterus, ovaries, and two X chromosomes as women (apart from the tiny group of intersexuals, formerly called hermaphrodites). In this respect, the thesis that men can bear children is scientifically very vulnerable. But trans activists argue that a biological woman is a man if the person in question feels like one - ovaries or not.
Only the AfD protests against birthing men
In fact, however, it should be rare for nursery school teachers to tell children about men giving birth - because they fear the reaction of some parents who have to be involved in such matters. The head of a day-care association confirmed this to this newspaper. He wants to remain anonymous because "as a day-care centre, you can only lose on this issue".
It is also striking that while CDU-led states such as Bavaria or CDU state associations such as Hamburg are far more critical of the male-birth thesis, the NRW CDU follows the line of its Green coalition partner. The only protest in NRW comes from the AfD. Their family politician Zacharias Schalley sounds like many CSU politicians, even in his choice of words, when he warns that "children are already being indoctrinated with the Woke ideology. One should let children be children".
Promoting gender reassignment?
In schools, too, the theory on gender issues is now very clear. This is exemplified by the teaching material for teachers from the "School of Diversity". This network "with the aim of promoting the acceptance of gender and sexual diversity in the school system" is subsidised and advertised by the Ministry of Education. In its "examples of lessons and projects" there are twelve case studies on the topic of "trans/trans gender". In them, young trans people report on their development, such as 13-year-olds who already take puberty blockers, want to have an operation, and sigh that they will have to "wait a long time" (until 18).
What all the case studies have in common is that they present their gender reassignment, whether surgical or not, as an increase in their quality of life. In none of the examples do young people change sex, take blockers, have surgery, and regret it. In reality, there are more and more reports of trans misdiagnosis and people who mourn having had breasts or genitals surgically removed. In more and more EU countries, access to blockers or gender reassignment surgery has therefore been made more difficult again for young people in recent years.
The CDU Ministry of Education intervenes.
When asked how the Ministry of Education assessed this teaching material, the CDU-led ministry affirmed that it "attaches importance to the topic being treated in an appropriately differentiated manner and in accordance with the current state of scientific knowledge". Therefore, "the ministry is in dialogue with the programme organisers of 'School of Diversity' in order to check whether the teaching material published in 2018 corresponds to the current state or requires updating".
On top of that, a random sample of this newspaper already discovered a textbook in February that dilutes the definition of gender, which is largely undisputed among biologists. The textbook "Nature and Technology" for grades 7 to 10 presents the path to physical "gender adaptation" in such a way that "gender" appears as a choice not only in its social but also in its biological dimension. Each school decides for itself on the choice of textbooks.
But even this material is unlikely to be used in practice. The NRW guidelines for sex education state that teachers are "obliged to show special tolerance and consideration for different religious and ideological convictions and different values". So where parents intervene, supposedly progressive theory quickly reaches its limits.
I wrote about the sexualisation of our children in Special Issue #61 - CHILD ABUSE REGULATED BY LAW and it seems to be getting worse. I know this article in DIE WELT states that it is a lot of theory and that parents have the right to intervene but I am not so sure about that. At the end of the day, the agenda of these Pedophiles that even come up with these ideas - how perverse must you be - will do literally anything to push onto innocent children and scarring them for life. Haven’t children suffered enough during the plandemic? I must admit that I am relieved that I do not have small children anymore. If I did, I am not sure what I would be capable of doing to people who try to rob them of their innocence and childhood. If you are a parent of school-age children or younger, please protect them with all you have and keep them safe from these horrors. They have to grow up soon enough.
🎶My Song of the Day
I chose this song by Portishead simply because she has one of the most vulnerable voices I know and our children are even more vulnerable.
For more good music, go to this Spotify playlist where you can find all the songs from the Change & Evolve Letters!
📚My Poem of the Day
Is by John Clare (1793-1864) in which he emphasises that moment we first fall in love with someone also represents a loss of innocence, and, in one sense, a loss of part of ourselves. The loss of innocence should not happen in a masturbation room of a day-care centre.
First Love
I ne’er was struck before that hour With love so sudden and so sweet, Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower And stole my heart away complete. My face turned pale as deadly pale, My legs refused to walk away, And when she looked, what could I ail? My life and all seemed turned to clay. And then my blood rushed to my face And took my eyesight quite away, The trees and bushes round the place Seemed midnight at noonday. I could not see a single thing, Words from my eyes did start— They spoke as chords do from the string, And blood burnt round my heart. Are flowers the winter’s choice? Is love’s bed always snow? She seemed to hear my silent voice, Not love’s appeals to know. I never saw so sweet a face As that I stood before. My heart has left its dwelling-place And can return no more.
On a happier note, I made a new friend yesterday…
Would you want your children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews to be confronted with masturbation rooms in day-care centres?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments or send me a message. I very much enjoy hearing from you.
Wishing you a wonderful day.
Tanja 🤗
Thanks for alerting us to this Tanja. I have passed your article onto several friends because these situations can occur without us having any idea. It is shocking to think that only one German political party will stand against this and they are the party that the authorities are trying to oulaw! Germany, like many other Western nations, is at a precarious point in its history. It is great that the article reinforces the power of parents. This is no time for complacency.