โOnly the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself. The masses have to be won by propaganda.โ โ Hannah Arendt
Some things are just so absolutely absurd, so hideous that you find it impossible to believe anyone in their right mind can possibly take these seriously. I know that Germany is already a laughing stock in the world but when you read this you know that it is for the right reasons. Lately, I have written quite a bit about what is happening in Germany, and what I am sharing today seems (almost) unbelievable - albeit with all that is happening very little surprises me anymore.
Try this though: Change of sex to be possible every twelve months in Germany
Even before the German government formed by the parties of SPD, FDP, and Greens took office, it is becoming increasingly difficult to report on German politics in a factual and serious manner. More and more often it must be pointed out that reports like the following are not satire, but that it is actually serious.
Among the heartfelt concerns of the German traffic light coalition, apart from so-called climate protection, is the implementation of another fiction, namely that of "gender mainstreaming". This refers to the overcoming of biology, which as far as I am concerned only knows two genders.
โTotalitarianism is not about some state that appears out of nowhere and suddenly is all-powerful. There can't be any such thing. Totalitarianism starts when the difference between your public life and your private life is effaced.โ โ Timothy D. Snyder
It appears that the insanity of gender mainstreaming knows no bounds. For gender propagandists invented the social gender, according to which everyone could determine for themselves which gender they felt they belonged to. Due to the LGBTQ community being courted more and more by the political and media cartel, they demanded more and more aggressively special laws for their concerns. Now the liberal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann and the Green Minister of Family Affairs Lisa Paus presented a so-called self-determination law. According to this law, every person over the age of 14 should be able to change their gender once a year. The persons concerned do not even have to undergo a change of sex, it is sufficient to simply declare this at the registry office.
Such a law would open the door to abuse and manipulation. The Transsexuals Act of 1980, which has been in force until now, provides for a long procedure, including obtaining two psychiatric reports and intimate questions. For Buschmann, this rocky road is unreasonable: "There is no justification for this." One of the aims of the law, he says, is to prevent discrimination against transgender people in professional life. But doesn't this open the door to manipulation? After all, there are quotas for women in many fields. So, according to the new law, when applying for a job, a man can declare himself a woman beforehand in order to have a better chance of promotion. Apart from the fact that it is a perverse folly to be able to choose and change one's gender at will, such regulation also encourages the abuse of women and children. Rapists and child molesters now get easier access to this group of people.
But of course, there is more. The Self-Determination Act comes up with another absurdity: Anyone who addresses a person who has changed their gender according to this law with the old name must expect a fine.
Of course, I realise that all of this is simply done to distract from what is really happening in the background - the gain of total control. I always get this picture of Pinky and the Brain whose nightly goal is to take over the world into my head.
โDemocracy's a very fragile thing. You have to take care of democracy. As soon as you stop being responsible to it and allow it to turn into scare tactics, it's no longer democracy, is it? It's something else. It may be an inch away from totalitarianism.โ โ Sam Shepard
๐ถMy Song of the Day
Is an amazing version of Led Zeppelinโs song Black Dog by Beth Hartโฆ Play it loud!
For more good music, go to this Spotify playlist where you can find all the songs from the Change & Evolve Letters!
๐My Poem of the Day
Is again by Jalaludin Rumi (1207-1273)
I Guess You Wonโt Mind
Great lions can find peace in a cage. But we should only do that as a last resort. So those bars I see that restrain your wings, I guess you won't mind if I pry them open.
Another view from my office - now in full bloom!
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Tanja ๐ค