Today I want to share something with you that I read a few days ago and I cannot get it out of my head since it contains so much of how I feel…
It is wrong and unethical to persuade people that they are a danger to others by their very existence. It is wrong and unethical to force masks on people that not only massively hinder their communication and breathing but also take away their personality and dignity. It is wrong and unethical to force an injection on healthy people as a purely preventive measure to protect "public health", ignoring the fact that it is a breach of logic in itself to claim that medication with only conditional approval is effective and safe (whereas reality is proving just the opposite). It is wrong and unethical to deprive old people of the one things that make their lives worth living - namely closeness, touch, and social contact - in order to grant them a few more months of life, regardless of the fact that in this case quality should come before quantity. It is wrong and unethical to prohibit people from earning a living on their own, to destroy their life's work, and to make them supplicants of a state that sells its senseless, restrictive measures as an inevitable fact of nature. And above all, it is wrong and unethical to plant in the minds of children that natural behavior and innate developmental aspirations are responsible for the deaths of others and to cause irreversible developmental disorders and mental illness by the millions with this inhumane claim.
I am still stunned at how ignorant society, and especially you as parents, must be to allow such a thing. But in the end, I can tell you how such a thing is possible. By allowing the world to be seen from only one perspective and holding a magnifying glass over it. THE science cannot absolve you from your rigid view, because science never sets the values of a society. We all do, and we have agreed in a centuries-long struggle to respect the dignity of the individual while allowing things that have been scientifically proven to be harmful. We all do that every day and you know why - because that is the only way to live a life worth living. Even if there were some empirical evidence for the benefit of even one of the measures mentioned - which is not the case - the whole thing would still be unjust and unethical!
Do you know what they call a form of society that subordinates one perspective and one aspect of life to everything else? Totalitarianism! Totalitarianism operates in all areas of life and no longer allows alternative models of life to even be thought. Why do masks only help you if I wear one too? Why does your vaccination only have an effect if I am also vaccinated? Why is it suddenly important to you that everyone discloses their health data at all times to prove to you that they are not dangerous? Because you have become accustomed to a collectivist-totalitarian way of thinking and believe that you are the good guys if you only dutifully display the symbols of your supposed solidarity at all times.
This also includes that you allow those who do not march in line with you to be marginalized, attacked, and stigmatized. You who scream "discrimination" at every corner, allow that I could not even buy a pair of children's shoes for months. It's a pity that you can't recognize us, unvaccinated people, as easily as you can the Russians whose windows you are smashing and whose children you are having beaten up. You have given up your efforts to label the unvaccinated because it must have made you feel a bit queasy. You would rather go shopping with the shopping bracelets that identify you as the good guys.
You don't insult anyone and sometimes you even secretly complain about some of the government's measures? Well, as long as you don't actively stand up against the madness, you are part of the system and are just as complicit. If you remain silent, you agree!
In your eagerness to put yourselves on the right side, you no longer even notice that you are sitting on massive, completely fact-free propaganda that makes it possible to immediately defame and socially ostracise anyone who wants to give you a glimpse of reality. The judge Christian Dettmar, who has been searched twice, the ex-government councilor Stephan Kohn and the ex-BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck - all of them far from belonging to the "lateral thinker scene" - could tell you what happens to those who even dare to ask questions on the basis of empirically secured, valid data.
You would rather hang on the lips of the federal health minister (agitator is more suitable) Karl Lauterbach, who tells you that the state of emergency is now normality (which, by the way, corresponds exactly to a common definition of the term dictatorship).
But none of that matters to you. You run along and join in. The fact that you read "Die Welle" in German or “The Wave” in English was for nothing. Your curtain went up a long time ago and you don't want to see that in the end, it was only you behind it. You see here exactly what Hannah Arendt called the "banality of evil".
When someone like me speaks to you, you perhaps realize that your whole way of thinking and acting is built on the sand of ideology. Then you react aggressively or with silence because you realize that you have no arguments.
Even after two years, you don't have the courage to stick up your head from under the covers and see if the monster under the bed is really there. And you don't even have the heart to get up when you hear your children screaming loudly for help from the next room.
You'd rather make fools of yourselves with dust masks and elbow greetings because you want to believe that you're doing something good.
I am not angry with you for that, although I wish I could be. Because then I could forgive you someday. But it is much worse: I have lost all respect for you! And it really makes me very sad that I will have to live with that!
🎶My Song of the Day
📚My Poem of the Day
I chose a poem by Ezra Pound (1885-1972) today…
An Immorality
Sing we for love and idleness,
Naught else is worth the having.
Though I have been in many a land,
There is naught else in living.
And I would rather have my sweet,
Though rose-leaves die of grieving,
Than do high deeds in Hungary
To pass all men's believing.
This was a very eerie sight from my balcony a few days ago when the Sahara sand was coloring the sky…
If you would like to connect with me, find out more about the Enneagram and yourself, how it can transform you and your life, I would be happy to take the time for a speed coaching call that you can reserve right here, go to my website or simply hit reply and get in touch with me directly.
Wishing you a wonderful evening and as always I would very much enjoy hearing from you!
Tanja 🤗