Today is the day - Germany is shutting down the last three remaining nuclear power plants!
On the official site of the German government, it reads:
Energy supply security is key
In a draft law to amend the Nuclear Law, the Federal Government has set out the conditions for the three nuclear power stations that are still in service to continue operating until no later than 15 April 2023. The aim is to put provisions in place to ensure there are no electricity shortages this winter.
There were no shortages but the prices kept rising and we got amazing suggestions as to when and how we are to heat our houses and flats and how often we are allowed to shower and bathe - a washcloth does it too and cold showers are healthy.
The coming winter will be different
In the winter of 2023/24, the German government assumes a changed energy scenario. Gas imports, which have so far come from Russia, will then come from several countries: Imports have already been largely compensated for by more natural gas supplies from Norway and the Netherlands. In addition, there were additional imports via LNG terminals across north-western Europe. And reduced demand for gas has already made further compensation unnecessary. Nevertheless, the German government is in additional exchanges with other countries in order to diversify gas imports once again.
"We have the situation under control thanks to the high levels in the gas storage facilities and the new liquefied natural gas terminals on the coasts of northern Germany and, last but not least, more renewable energies," says Habeck. The federal government is accordingly tackling new and diversified gas partnerships and, in perspective, hydrogen partnerships as well. In northern Germany, the LNG infrastructure is being expanded, and one terminal has already been completed. Last but not least, well-filled gas storage facilities will also ensure a different gas situation.
The hypocrisy and double standards as well as the clear disdain for the German people know no limits.
The recent statement by Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) during his visit to Ukraine on the continued operation of Ukrainian nuclear power plants is a disgrace.
After a meeting with the Ukrainian Energy Minister Herman Halushchtenko, Economics Minister Habeck indicated that Ukraine would stick to nuclear power. He said that this was "fine" for him, as long as the safety of the nuclear power plants was guaranteed. In an interview with the news channel "WELT", Habeck then said on the second day of his visit to Ukraine: "Ukraine will stick to nuclear power. That is absolutely clear - and that is also fine as long as those things run safely. After all, they are built."
How much hypocrisy can one actually endure? After such a statement, Robert Habeck should please explain why the remaining power plants in Germany cannot continue to be operated. They, too, have been built, are among the safest in the world - and offer clean energy for a transitional period.
It is obviously not about safety unless the government wants us to believe that in the event of a nuclear accident, radioactive radiation will respect our borders and stop short of them or dissipate into nothing.
Secure energy supply via diversification
To reduce gas consumption, more coal-fired power plants were temporarily used to generate electricity during the colder season. The fact that the licensing procedures for the production of electricity from renewable energies have been simplified should have an additional relieving effect on the gas situation in the future. Finally, the aim is to increase the share of renewable energies in gross electricity consumption to at least 80 percent by 2030. "So with every step we take, we change our situation and improve it dramatically," said the Chancellor lastly.
In the end, this will mean buying expensive energy from questionable sources that are unaffordable for many.
Habeck’s hypocrisy goes even further. He has decided on investment guarantees for German companies operating in Ukraine.
To make it palatable or even possible for German companies to work in Ukraine under wartime conditions, the German government is securing their investments. This has been happening for years in the case of Ukraine - but is now continuing under the expanded war with Russia. "We don't normally do that," says German Economics Minister Habeck.
"We can't hedge investments in a war zone. If that gets shot up, the risk is too high. But here we do.” Ukraine’s economy collapsed in 2022, the year of the war, and the gross domestic product fell by more than a third. Imports and exports fell by around 20 and 30 percent respectively compared to the previous year.
For German companies operating in Ukraine, the guarantee is a "game changer”. This means that the construction of new factories can continue. According to the Ministry of Economics, the German government is currently covering eleven projects in Ukraine with 21 investment guarantees with a total capital cover of 221 million euros. Three of these have been added since Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February last year. Another 21 applications with a total capital cover of 48 million euros are currently still open, according to the ministry.
The Federal Government is also providing cover for German exports to Ukraine, amounting to 144.2 million euros in 2022. This involves, for example, the coverage of rail wagons with grain exports as well as exports of plant protection products and seeds.
These guarantees are, as usual, covered by German taxpayers. Of course, the companies operating in Ukraine are thrilled that any risk is now covered by the German people. This government is actively working against its people and knows no shame. But I suppose that’s what you get when you have people in power who can either be bribed or blackmailed into submission.
🎶My Song of the Day
Is for all the money grabbing governments - by Fitz and The Tantrums
For more good music, go to this Spotify playlist where you can find all the songs from the Change & Evolve Letters!
📚My Poem of the Day
Is by Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872-1906)
An old man planted and dug and tended, Toiling in joy from dew to dew; The sun was kind, and the rain befriended; Fine grew his orchard and fair to view. Then he said: “I will quiet my thrifty fears, For here is fruit for my failing years.” But even then the storm–clouds gathered, Swallowing up the azure sky; The sweeping winds into white foam lathered The placid breast of the bay, hard by; Then the spirits that raged in the darkened air Swept o’er his orchard and left it bare. The old man stood in the rain, uncaring, Viewing the place the storm had swept; And then with a cry from his soul despairing, He bowed him down to the earth and wept. But a voice cried aloud from the driving rain; “Arise, old man, and plant again!”
Full moon 🌕
To begin any kind of transformation, you have to know what your story is before you can navigate to something better and write a new story, becoming the best possible version of yourself. This is what the Enneagram and I can do for you. I would be happy to take the time for a speed coaching call that you can reserve right here go to my website or simply hit reply and get in touch with me directly.
Thank you for reading and if you enjoy it, share it, leave a ❤️, or a comment. Wishing you a wonderful day wherever you are!
Tanja 🤗
This is a truly shocking story Tania and I’m so glad that you have brought us up-to-date with what is happening in Germany and the links with Ukraine. As you say, these guys have no shame. you do wonder who the coordinating hand is in relation to all this and what is happening in the Netherlands and then the UK. it’s hard to see anything apart from a conspiracy!