Personally, I am absolutely appalled! More and more magazines and news outlets are trying to backpedal and justify their heinous and gaslighting reporting of the past three years. Some actually have the audacity to pretend to now do investigative journalism - something they have ignored for years and are the bitches of the WEF and the institutions that paid the most. I realise we all need to make a living but the conscience of most was up for sale. Now follows THE GREAT REGRET, but interestingly without the slightest true regret or even an apology.
It is astonishing how quickly people seem to forget. Thankfully there is still enough evidence out there - let’s hope it doesn’t suddenly disappear…
With a matter of course, the absolute opposite is now being claimed, what many scientists and awake people have been saying for years - only they have been silenced, discredited, and persecuted.
Governments listened to so-called scientists - and here I can only assume - who were willing to sell their "expertise". When I look at the German political landscape alone, I can only come to the conclusion that the reason why we only have criminals and incompetent politicians in office is that they can be blackmailed or bribed easily so they follow the desired agenda.
The most irrational decisions have been made, people have been deprived of hope and confidence, and they have been asked to get involved in something where every child realises that if they get vaccinated and fall ill three times or more, the vaccination is not only absolutely ineffective but also nonsensical. I'm not even going into the massive vaccine damage that no one wants to be responsible for now. And btw, all of this was predicted by the “conspiracy theorists” or as I prefer, the conspiracy realists. And yet people have tried - and to some extent still do, because vaccinations are still going on - to save and justify the situation with insanity and ever greater insanity instead of simply admitting that they have made a mistake. On the contrary, one hears only flimsy excuses and even more lies.
Even journalists who now timidly row back cannot be believed, nor can I believe in the least that they regret anything they have written.
Do not fall for the repentant words!
Rather, remember the less repentant words before. People seldom change - if someone writes, "Only coercion can help", be careful.
I find the brazenness with which some media are now staging themselves disgusting.
Here is just one small example
Spiegel 09.01.2021
This is the translation for all those who do not speak German:
Vaccination scepticism among doctors and nurses
Unconventional thinkers in white
A column by Alexander Neubacher
An alarming number of people in health care professions do not want to be vaccinated against Corona. Only coercion can help.
09.01.2021, 14.04 h - from DER SPIEGEL 2/2021
Only about half of all nursing staff in hospitals are willing to be vaccinated against Corona. That's according to a survey I read about in Die Zeit. The survey is from December, it is not representative. But the result coincides with what clinic directors and nursing home managers have already reported in SPIEGEL: Not only Corona heroes work in the health sector. One doctor told me with bitter irony that she had not yet met a "lateral thinker" during her work in the Corona intensive care unit - among the patients. Unfortunately, the situation is different among her colleagues.
Now everyone can decide for themselves whether a small prick and a vaccine tested on thousands of test persons is more dangerous than a disease that is currently one of the three most frequent causes of death in Germany. Let everyone live and die as they please; my tolerance is great.
But because the "lateral thinkers" in white are not only putting their own lives at risk, but also the lives of others, I feel queasy. People who go to hospital for childbirth or knee surgery don't want to come out with Corona. But here is the problem: patients and the few visitors are tested at the gate. With staff, on the other hand, the checks are sometimes patchy. Then it is doctors and nurses who bring in the virus and endanger the people they are supposed to help.
Do we need compulsory vaccination for everyone? I don't think so. To stop the pandemic, about two-thirds of Germans would have to be injected; that should be manageable. Even if it is still unclear whether vaccinated people will continue to carry the virus, they will regain their freedom more quickly than the unvaccinated, for example when travelling. That alone should convince many. Day by day, the fear of possible side effects is fading.
People who go to hospital for knee surgery don't want to come out with Corona.
It's different for people in the healing professions. I wish the hospitals and homes could force them to vaccinate. But whether that is allowed is doubted by lawyers. It is also questionable whether the bosses want to go for it. No one wants to drive their people to compete. Doctors and nurses are in high demand on the labour market.
That is why the legislator has to take care of them. The compulsory measles vaccination introduced last year, which also applies to employees in hospitals and doctors' surgeries, shows how it works: only those who have proof of vaccination are let loose on the sick and elderly.
If a doctor or nurse then still refuses the Corona vaccination and invokes alleged personal rights, they are not freedom fighters, but unscrupulous gamblers who put the lives of wards at risk. Such people have no business in the operating theatre or at the nursing bed. The same applies to them as to a pastor who does not pray, a soldier who does not fight, an educator who does not want to play with children: profession missed.
Spiegel 11.03.2023 the same journalist
Excesses of prohibition in the pandemic
Us Corona Failures
A column by Alexander Neubacher
We now know that many pandemic measures were nonsensical, excessive, and illegal. Not a good thing, not even for us media.
11.03.2023, 07.45 - from DER SPIEGEL 11/2023
Here I have only the headline, as I refuse to subscribe to Der Spiegel or any other newspaper. Nevertheless, the "insight" comes too late after more than two years. And a journalist who publicly demands such coercive measures has not only failed in his profession but also hopelessly failed as a human being. In my eyes, this is contempt for humanity at its purest. And even the headline is audacious in my eyes. It’s much too late and too little, it’s simply opportunistic.
THE GREAT REGRET? We should not count on that.
We should never forget how people who simply dared to question the measures, who did not want to make themselves available as lab rats for an experimental vaccination, who followed their common sense and did some research outside the mainstream media, were vilified and downright persecuted and expelled from society. There is no excuse for this!
🎶My Song of the Day
This is a great song by Johnny Cash - God’s Gonna Cut You Down
For more good music, go to this Spotify playlist where you can find all the songs from the Change & Evolve Letters!
📚My Poem of the Day
Is by Emily Dickinson (1830–1886)
Remorse - is Memory - Awake
REMORSE is memory awake, Her companies astir,— A presence of departed acts At window and at door. Its past set down before the soul, And lighted with a match, Perusal to facilitate Of its condensed despatch. Remorse is cureless,—the disease Not even God can heal; For ’t is His institution,— The complement of hell.
Another view from my balcony…
To begin any kind of transformation, you have to know what your story is before you can navigate to something better and write a new story, becoming the best possible version of yourself. This is what the Enneagram and I can do for you. I would be happy to take the time for a speed coaching call that you can reserve right here go to my website or simply hit reply and get in touch with me directly.
Thank you for reading and if you enjoy it, share it, leave a ❤️, or a comment. Wishing you a wonderful day wherever you are!
Tanja 🤗
Thanks Tanja for making us aware of what was happening in Germany and the revision that seems to be coming. The original 2021 article by Alexander Neubacher was frightening in the language used and I suppose similar things were happening all over the world - there must have been coordination with journalists. Some of the information coming out from the UK via the Lockdown files shows the propaganda and population manipulation. Your column is a call - "Lest We Forget"
Thank you so much for your encouragement and taking the time to give your feedback. It is always wonderful to read your comments.