Codes (source)
Z28 Immunization not carried out and underimmunization status
Z28.0 Immunization not carried out because of contraindication
Z28.01 Immunization not carried out because of acute illness of patient
Z28.02 Immunization not carried out because of chronic illness or condition of patient
Z28.03 Immunization not carried out because of immune compromised state of patient
Z28.04 Immunization not carried out because of patient allergy to vaccine or component
Z28.09 Immunization not carried out because of other contraindication
Z28.1 Immunization not carried out because of patient decision for reasons of belief or group pressure
Z28.2 Immunization not carried out because of patient decision for other and unspecified reason
Z28.3 Underimmunization status
Z28.8 Immunization not carried out for other reason
Z28.9 Immunization not carried out for unspecified reason
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