The healthcare industry is dictated by ICD codes. If you are not familiar with these codes, you can find more detailed information on the WHO site.
These codes are part of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) system established by the United Nations World Health Organisation, and they will become even more invasive in the future.
Originally, this system was created after World War II to track the diagnosis of major diseases within a population. However, over the years there have been 11 (ICD-11) major revisions, and with each revision, the data collected on each individual has become more accurate and comprehensive.
And it has also become more and more compelling, to the point where it has become impossible for doctors to get reimbursed by insurance companies unless they upload all the required data points.
There is one, relatively new code that I find especially worrisome and I would like to share this with you. It is the code Z28.3
When you have a look at these codes, (all of them horrifically invasive, but especially the ones concerning COVID), I will most likely not need to explain much further why I find this development worrying:
Codes (source)
Z28 Immunization not carried out and underimmunization status
Z28.0 Immunization not carried out because of contraindication
Z28.01 Immunization not carried out because of acute illness of patient
Z28.02 Immunization not carried out because of chronic illness or condition of patient
Z28.03 Immunization not carried out because of immune compromised state of patient
Z28.04 Immunization not carried out because of patient allergy to vaccine or component
Z28.09 Immunization not carried out because of other contraindication
Z28.1 Immunization not carried out because of patient decision for reasons of belief or group pressure
Z28.2 Immunization not carried out because of patient decision for other and unspecified reason
Z28.3 Underimmunization status
Z28.8 Immunization not carried out for other reason
Z28.9 Immunization not carried out for unspecified reason
Doctors are being encouraged by the government to ask more questions about your vaccination status.
Especially Z28.310 and Z28.8 are codes for a very strange "diagnosis". Essentially it is not a diagnosis, but an invasion of privacy that will probably be used against many people in the future. This is the code your doctor enters into the computer system accessed by government, public, and private health insurers to inform them of your COVID vaccination status. These are internationally recognised codes for very specific medical βconditionsβ for insurance and government purposes. They are accessible worldwide in case you are abroad and have a health problem that needs to be treated.
The measures are becoming more and more invasive and inhumane. I still say that it amounts to China's Social Credit system or similar, and we are running right into the middle of it with our eyes wide open and without much resistance.
More and more liberties are systematically being chipped away and anyone that still believes that any of our elected politicians have our best interests at heart, please think again and take a close look at what is happening all around us.
If your doctor starts to ask too many questions that have nothing to do with the health problem you are being treated for, you may want to be very careful and possibly consider finding a new doctor.
To lighten the mood a little, here are some of the most bizarre ICD-Codes
πΆMy Song of the Day
Is this beautiful song by KebβMoβ - The Times Are A-Changinβ - with great lyrics!
For more good music, go to this Spotify playlist where you can find all the songs from the Change & Evolve Letters!
πMy Poem of the Day
Is by Edgar Albert Guest
This is courage : to remain Brave and patient under pain ; Cool and calm and firm to stay In the presence of dismay ; Not to flinch when foes attack, Even though you're beaten back ; Still to cling to what is right, When the wrong possesses might. This is courage : to be true To the best men see in you ; To remember, tempest-tossed, Not to whimper, "All is lost!" But to battle to the end While you still have strength to spend ; Not to cry that hope is gone While you've life to carry on. This is courage : to endure Hurt and loss you cannot cure ; Patiently and undismayed, Facing life still unafraid ; Glad to live and glad to take Bravely for your children's sake, Burdens they would have to bear If you fled and ceased to care.
Lake Starnberg
If you would like to connect with me, find out more about the Enneagram and yourself, and how it can transform you and your life, I would be happy to take the time forΒ a speed coaching call that you can reserve right hereΒ go to myΒ websiteΒ or simply hit reply and get in touch with me directly.
Thank you for reading and if you enjoy it, share it, leave a β€οΈ, or a comment. Wishing you a wonderful day wherever you are!
Tanja π€