It is the 32nd anniversary of the Day of German Unity today. The Berlin Wall was taken by the people on November 9, 1989, and since October 3, 1990, we celebrate the Day of German Unity.
I wasn't there in Berlin myself, but of course, I watched the live reports on TV and was, like most people, completely fascinated. I think what fascinated me most was the unbridled joy and happiness in the faces of the people in their Trabants, on their bicycles, or on foot. You could literally feel this relief and joy. It was moving and touching and when you look at the pictures today you can feel it again.
It is so strange that my children know about this historic event (and I will not go into the consequences this had for Germany, its people on both sides of the former border, and the world) from history lessons, photos, videos, and stories they heard.
My great-grandmother, whom I had the great pleasure to know, came from Halle in the former GDR, and my grandfather’s family also came from a small village Zerbst in the GDR. My father was born in Binz on the Island of Rügen and fled with his family before the wall was built. My mother told me stories about how she had to visit her grandparents in Zerbst and was always terrified when she came to the border, terrified that she would not be allowed to go back home. I heard so many stories from people who actually lived in the GDR, people that were separated from their families for decades, often without knowing if they were dead or alive. People went out of their way, risking literally everything to leave the country, to leave their homes.
Today of all days we should remember why so many in the former GDR wanted to flee their country and even leave parts of their families behind. People were oppressed if they did not follow the party's narrative. They were persecuted and ostracised if they had a different opinion. Freedom of speech was unwanted and dangerous. The press was censored, people were spied on by the Stasi, and neighbours denounced each other. I am not saying that everything was bad, but people were not free.
Today it is or should be, particularly important in Germany to reflect on the values that have been lost in the past three years. Today, it is no longer desirable to express one's opinion freely in Germany. Anyone who does so and does not conform to the common narrative is pushed into the radical right-wing corner. Demonstrations and the expression of discontent are deliberately suppressed while ever more nonsensical measures are adopted by politicians. The people who govern us seem to have forgotten that they are the servants of the people, public servants. They often don't even feel the need to show up for work anymore, at least that's the impression you get when you see the empty seats in the German Bundestag - pathetic.
I have the feeling that the Day of German Unity has come to mean that we all have to function uniformly without free will, without personal responsibility, and without dignity. I would like to see us re-establish freedom of speech, liberty, free will, and above all personal responsibility with the respect that everyone deserves.
🎶My Song of the Day
For more good music, go to this Spotify playlist where you can find all the songs from the Change & Evolve Letters!
📚My Poem of the Day
Is by Helen Hunt Jackson (1830-1885)
What freeman knoweth freedom? Never he Whose father's father through long lives have reigned O'er kingdoms which mere heritage attained. Though from his youth to age he roam as free As winds, he dreams not freedom's ecstacy. But he whose birth was in a nation chained For centuries; where every breath was drained From breasts of slaves which knew not there could be Such thing as freedom,--he beholds the light Burst, dazzling; though the glory blind his sight He knows the joy. Fools laugh because he reels And weilds confusedly his infant will; The wise man watching with a heart that feels Says: "Cure for freedom's harms is freedom still."
Another early morning view from my balcony
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Wishing you an wonderful day wherever you are and if you enjoy my letter free to share and comment.
Tanja 🤗
That poem is particularly good, a great many free people have forgotten what that means and have caged themselves in complacence. Perhaps we have to go through it again to learn it the hard way.