It's getting more and more ridiculous - even if it's hard to believe. In Germany we have a health minister who can barely manage to stammer out a coherent sentence and who contradicts himself non-stop. The intentions are now no longer even hidden, but uttered in public.
The latest coup - the duration of the recovery certificate was reduced from 6 months to 3 months ( whereas Switzerland has extended it to 12 months) as of January 15th, which makes no sense at all (what happend to natural immunity and where are the scientists who are sounding the alarm?) - and it doesn't have to, because the majority doesn't seem to think about what is happening around them. It is even officially announced that it is intended to put further pressure on those who do not want to be jabbed.
But the crowning glory of all this is that the shortening of the recovery status applies to everyone with ONE exception. Those who passed this measure - the members of the German Bundestag - are exempt and their recovered status is still valid for 6 months. In this way, these representatives are granting themselves special rights, which are obvious to everyone, and yet most people are silently accepting it.
This makes me absolutely stunned and above all angry. These are the public servants, the servants of the people, who are obviously deceiving us. This - as well as most of what is happening - has very little to do with Science but solely with politics, power and control. To gain what they want we are blatantly lied to over and over again. The contradictions are countless.
How can anyone still trust these people in the slightest? Who actually still believes that these politicians have the welfare or even the health of the people at heart?
This is mind boggling and perhaps I am just ignorant or even paranoid. This is driving me up the wall as it lacks any logic and goes against my inner need to understand things.
It is irrelevant if you are jabbed, or unjabbed, had a booster or not or of you are recovered or simply healthy. It must be about COMMON SENSE AND HUMAN KINDNESS again
📚My Poem of the Day
Is one by the German poet, playwright, and theatre director, Bertold Brecht (1898-1956)
To Those Born After
Truly I live in dark times!
Frank speech is naïve. A smooth forehead
Suggests insensitivity. The man who laughs
Has simply not yet heard
The terrible news.
What kind of times are these, when
To talk about trees is almost a crime
Because it implies silence about so many horrors?
When the man over there calmly crossing the street
Is already perhaps beyond the reach of his friends
Who are in need?
It’s true that I still earn my daily bread
But, believe me, that’s only an accident. Nothing
I do gives me the right to eat my fill.
By chance I've been spared. (If my luck breaks, I'm lost.)
They say to me: Eat and drink! Be glad you have it!
But how can I eat and drink if I snatch what I eat
From the starving
And my glass of water belongs to someone dying of thirst?
And yet I eat and drink.
I would also like to be wise.
In the old books it says what wisdom is:
To shun the strife of the world and to live out
Your brief time without fear
Also to get along without violence
To return good for evil
Not to fulfill your desires but to forget them
Is accounted wise.
All this I cannot do.
Truly, I live in dark times.
I came to the cities in a time of disorder
When hunger reigned.
I came among men in a time of revolt
And I rebelled with them.
So passed my time
Given me to on earth.
I ate my food between battles
I lay down to sleep among murderers
I practiced love carelessly
And I had little patience for nature’s beauty.
So passed my time
Given to me on earth.
All roads led into the mire in my time.
My tongue betrayed me to the butchers.
There was little I could do. But those is power
Sat safer without me: that was my hope.
So passed my time
Given to me on earth.
Our forces were slight. Our goal
Lay far in the distance 50
Clearly visible, though I myself
Was unlikely to reach it.
So passed my time
Given to me on earth.
You who will emerge from the flood
In which we have gone under
Bring to mind
When you speak of our failings
Bring to mind also the dark times
That you have escaped.
Changing countries more often than our shoes,
We went through the class wars, despairing
When there was only injustice, no outrage.
And yet we realized:
Hatred, even of meanness
Contorts the features.
Anger, even against injustice
Makes the voice hoarse. O, We
who wanted to prepare the ground for friendship
Could not ourselves be friendly.
But you, when the time comes at last
When man is helper to man
Think of us
With forbearance.
And for my German speaking readers, here is the German original poem:
An die Nachgeborenen
Wirklich, ich lebe in finsteren Zeiten!
Das arglose Wort ist töricht. Eine glatte Stirn
Deutet auf Unempfindlichkeit hin. Der Lachende
Hat die furchtbare Nachricht
Nur noch nicht empfangen.
Was sind das für Zeiten, wo
Ein Gespräch über Bäume fast ein Verbrechen ist.
Weil es ein Schweigen über so viele Untaten einschließt!
Der dort ruhig über die Straße geht
Ist wohl nicht mehr erreichbar für seine Freunde
Die in Not sind?
Es ist wahr: ich verdiene noch meinen Unterhalt
Aber glaubt mir: das ist nur ein Zufall. Nichts
Von dem, was ich tue, berechtigt mich dazu, mich sattzuessen.
Zufällig bin ich verschont. (Wenn mein Glück aussetzt, bin ich verloren.)
Man sagt mir: iß und trink du! Sei froh, daß du hast!
Aber wie kann ich essen und trinken, wenn
Ich dem Hungernden entreiße, was ich esse, und
Mein Glas Wasser einem Verdurstenden fehlt?
Und doch esse und trinke ich.
Ich wäre gerne auch weise.
In den alten Büchern steht, was weise ist:
Sich aus dem Streit der Welt halten und die kurze Zeit
Ohne Furcht verbringen.
Auch ohne Gewalt auskommen,
Böses mit Gutem vergelten
Seine Wünsche nicht erfüllen, sondern vergessen,
Gilt für weise.
Alles das kann ich nicht:
Wirklich, ich lebe in finsteren Zeiten!
In die Städte kam ich zur Zeit der Unordnung
Als da Hunger herrschte.
Unter die Menschen kam ich zur Zeit des Aufruhrs
Und ich empörte mich mit ihnen.
So verging meine Zeit,
Die auf Erden mir gegeben war.
Mein Essen aß ich zwischen den Schlachten.
Schlafen legte ich mich unter die Mörder.
Der Liebe pflegte ich achtlos
Und die Natur sah ich ohne Geduld.
So verging meine Zeit,
Die auf Erden mir gegeben war.
Die Straßen führten in den Sumpf zu meiner Zeit.
Die Sprache verriet mich dem Schlächter.
Ich vermochte nur wenig. Aber die Herrschenden
Saßen ohne mich sicherer, das hoffte ich.
So verging meine Zeit,
Die auf Erden mir gegeben war.
Die Kräfte waren gering. Das Ziel
Lag in großer Ferne
Es war deutlich sichtbar, wenn auch für mich
Kaum zu erreichen.
So verging meine Zeit,
Die auf Erden mir gegeben war.
Ihr, die ihr auftauchen werdet aus der Flut
In der wir untergegangen sind
Wenn ihr von unseren Schwächen sprecht
Auch der finsteren Zeit
Der ihr entronnen seid.
Gingen wir doch, öfter als die Schuhe die Länder wechselnd
Durch die Kriege der Klassen, verzweifelt
Wenn da nur Unrecht war und keine Empörung.
Dabei wissen wir doch:
Auch der Haß gegen die Niedrigkeit
verzerrt die Züge.
Auch der Zorn über das Unrecht
Macht die Stimme heiser. Ach, wir
Die wir den Boden bereiten wollten für Freundlichkeit
Konnten selber nicht freundlich sein.
Ihr aber, wenn es so weit sein wird
Daß der Mensch dem Menschen ein Helfer ist
Gedenkt unserer
Mit Nachsicht.
🎶My Song of the Day
I still believe in a world full of peace so I chose “Imagine” by John Lennon
Peaceful shoppers taking a „walk“ in the city for peace, freedom and liberty!
Wishing you a peaceful Wednesday ☀️!
Tanja 🤗