Today's post might polarise a little more than usual and I see that as a good thing. Never in my life have I been more aware of race, skin colour, and other superficial differences in people. It just shows how we are all somehow affected by the constant racial indoctrination.
I grew up visiting international schools in the Netherlands and England. There was an average of ten nationalities in each class and nobody really saw race, religion, or colour - it just wasn't relevant - there was little to no demand. These years have shaped my attitude towards people and how I see them. Itโs quite simple: there are people I like, people I donโt like, and people I tolerate. Donโt get me wrong, this has not changed. Nevertheless, I perceive colour and other things more clearly than before. I wasn't blind before, it simply had no relevance for me, and people and the way they are is still more important to me than anything else.
This is my forth grade year book photo. It may not be very exotic, yet these were the nationalities in my class of 19 children (can you find me?): American, Finnish, Irish, South African, Dutch, Turkish, Swedish, African, German, French. There was definitely a lot of diversity going on in that school and it wasnโt forced in any way. In other classes we had students from India, China, Japan, Korea, Africa, Australia, literally from all over the world. And on a side note, this was the year when my love for poetry was ignited by my home room teacher.
In my opinion, we are currently taking massive steps backwards by trying to put a label on everything and everyone. Just as men and women are not the same, we are all individuals.
If everyone insists that their feelings and sensitivities are the only important ones, and everyone else has to acknowledge, validate, and accommodate them, our society will end up in absolute chaos with this kind of entitlement.
This is the perfect scenario for a New World Order that rushes to the rescue when everything is broken and in chaos.
I feel that racism has been fuelled again in recent years - especially with the BLM movement. It continued by claiming that everything is now an appropriation of cultures, some of these claims are so unbelievably absurd that you would have to laugh if it wasn't so utterly mad.
Racism is in high demand, yet there simply is not enough supply. So demand must be created artificially.
And everything nowadays seems to be a race, gender, or whatever issue. This again only serves one purpose, to divide society as much as possible and to allow certain groups of people to victimise themselves. This victimhood takes away peopleโs dignity and drive for achievement and replaces it with excuses.
I am not denying that racism and discrimination exist - they always have and always will - especially as long as we keep on labeling everyone and everything. I believe we need to get back to treating people like people.
I wrote about this in an earlier post which you might like to read or reread.
AN IDEAL WORLD from 4 March 2022
The funniest thing is that the Democratic Party, the party that is preaching that we should not judge by race or gender, is promoting the former Indian woman, Kamala Harris, as their black, female candidate. Her race and gender are constantly emphasized - I wonder why. Personally, I would love to see the most capable people in politics and I really donโt care about diversity. I care about people and would want to see those in power who truly care for their citizens and do a great job for the people and the country.
I simply donโt care about colour, I care about character. And for the record, I have been discriminated against as a woman, as a woman in business, as a single mother, and even as a heterosexual woman. I never allowed this to turn me into a victim because some idiots felt the need to try an shut me up, or put me down.ย
Perhaps racism today is a similar phenomenon as the so-called COVID pandemic. If the media had not blown everything out of proportion, if there hadnโt been constant mandated mass testing, if there hadn't been the underlying agenda of pushing the vaccine, perhaps we would have barely noticed and seen it as the usual flu season. As with racism, the influenza still exist but not everyone is affected. If racism is not blown out of proportion and if the media and politics would stop focusing on skin colour, race, or gender, I truly believe we would have much less of it. It is artificially kept relevant without cause.
๐ถMy Song for you
Is by Aerosmith- Dream On
For more good music, go to this Spotify playlist where you can find all the songs from the Change & Evolve Letters!
๐My Poem for you
Is by Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850-1919)
Life Is A Privilege
Life is a privilege. Its youthful days Shine with the radiance of continuous Mays. To live, to breathe, to wonder and desire, To feed with dreams the heartโs perpetual fire, To thrill with virtuous passions, and to glow With great ambitions โ in one hour to know The depths and heights of feeling โ God! in truth, How beautiful, how beautiful is youth! Life is a privilege. Like some rare rose The mysteries of the human mind unclose. What marvels lie in earth, and air, and sea! What stores of knowledge wait our opening key! What sunny roads of happiness lead out Beyond the realms of indolence and doubt! And what large pleasures smile upon and bless The busy avenues of usefulness! Life is a privilege. Though the noontide fades And shadows fall along the winding glades, Though joy-blooms wither in the autumn air, Yet the sweet scent of sympathy is there. Pale sorrow leads us closer to our kind, And in the serious hours of life we find Depths in the souls of men which lend new worth And majesty to this brief span of earth. Life is a privilege. If some sad fate Sends us alone to seek the exit gate, If men forsake us and as shadows fall, Still does the supreme privilege of all Come in that reaching upward of the soul To find the welcoming Presence at the goal, And in the Knowledge that our feet have trod Paths that led from, and must wind back, to God.
A lovely full moon image of Spock!
Has race become a question of supply and demand? Is it being artificially kept alive through labels and victimisation? Or is racism as big an issue as ever?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments, leave a โค๏ธ or send me a message. I always love hearing from you.
Wishing you a peaceful weekend wherever you are.
Tanja ๐ค
PS. You can now also find my podcast on Spotify
Change & Evolveย and feel free toย get in touch
Great insights Tanja. I think I could see you in the front row but not completely sure? Thanks for taking us back to 2022 and what you raised then. It's extraordinary that the DEI push has had such an impact throughout societies. Also remarkable that Kamala has been able to go 28 days without any questions or policies which would never be accepted from anyone else. Loved the photo and your beautiful cat (I think that he was the one in the box previously?).
The problem with this is that it has become a "no go" area for commentary but thanks for stepping into the ring and raising the issue. We have a long way to go before as MLK jnr said - it was all about "the content of your character"
A courageous question and article , it is fascinating how Kamala is being hyped/re invented as our Saviour on no evidence. Loved the poem you chose, thank you