I have written quite a bit about the strange times we are now experiencing and what it is doing to people. There are several factors that are adding up and the manipulation and gaslighting appear to be unstoppable.
Masks are showing up more and more again - despite the beautiful weather we are experiencing here in Germany - truly a golden Autumn. COVID-19 still has a psychological effect on many people and what shocks me most is how little people actually know what is happening right in front of their eyes.
New Variants - I have not watched television in years - I have absolutely no intention of turning it back on and can only recommend that everyone do the same for sanity and well-being - so I am not sure how the MSM are trying to scare the people into getting the next jab. But I do talk to people and a lot of them obviously cannot get enough. Thankfully there are also many that do have enough and are slowly waking up. I asked my GP if his patients were asking for the next booster and unfortunately, the reply was; ‘yes, a lot of them are asking for it and some of them are coming in for jab #6.’ This is something I find utterly flabbergasting with all the information that is out there and all we know. Too many are obviously still keeping their 🙈🙉🙊 shut.
Alphabet cult - This is shorter than trying to keep up with all the letters they abuse for their so-called inclusion. Quite frankly, I simply don’t care about the sexuality of people as much as I don’t care about the way they dress. And if a man prefers to dress like a woman, so be it. But if you start indoctrinating, confusing, and sexualising children, I go absolutely berserk! When you look at the following video it shows you how far this has already gone - and not only in the UK. If you have young children, make sure you protect them with all you have.
Climate hoax - This is a big one with which they can call for any restrictions and measures to ‘protect’ the climate at any time. At the WEF - the self-declared saviours of our world - they are openly saying that vaccination of the complete world population failed, the climate crisis wasn’t quite as catchy as they hoped but an issue with water should do the trick. I wonder what they plan to do with our water to ensure complete compliance and obedience. The perversion of these people knows no limits whatsoever!
C40 Cities - something a little less known than the 15-Minute or Smart Cities. To be honest, until very recently, I did not know about the concept of the C40 Cities and how long this has been going on.
100 cities have formed a coalition called the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. The C40 has set an "ambitious target" to achieve the WEF goals by 2030. To achieve the "target", the C40 cities have committed that their residents will adhere to the following list of binding rules:
* "0 kg meat consumption"
* "0 kg dairy products".
* "3 new items of clothing per person per year".
* "0 private vehicles" owned
* "1 short-haul flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person".
These dystopian goals from C40 Cities can be found in their report "The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World".
The report was first published in 2019 and reiterated in 2023. The organisation is led and largely funded by US billionaire Michael Bloomberg.
The organisation includes nearly 100 cities from around the world. Here is a small part of the frighteningly long list, including European cities:
* Aarhus (Denmark)
* Alençon (France)
* Amsterdam (Netherlands, The)
* Barcelona (Spain)
* Belfast (United Kingdom)
* Bergen (Norway)
* Berlin (Germany)
* Brașov (Romania)
* Budapest (Hungary)
* London (United Kingdom)
* Florence (Italy)
* Frankfurt (Germany)
* Geneva (Switzerland)
* Hamburg (Germany)
* Helsingborg (Sweden)
* Helsinki (Finland)
* Ittre (Belgium)
* Krakow (Poland)
* Lausanne (Switzerland)
* Lisbon (Portugal)
* Ljubliana (Slovenia)
* Łódź (Poland)
* Madrid (Spain)
* Milan (Italy)
* Munich (Germany)
* Oslo (Norway)
* Paris (France)
* Prague (Czech Republic)
* Reykjavik (Iceland)
* Riga (Latvia)
* Ruse (Bulgaria)
* Stockholm (Sweden)
* Vienna (Austria)
* Warsaw (Poland)
* Zurich (Switzerland)
In 2020, the World Economic Forum (which promotes C40 cities on its website) presented "The Great Reset", which aims to use the Covid pandemic as a starting point for a global reset of society to supposedly combat climate change.
However, we must realise that this reset has everything to do with social control and nothing with saving the climate. If finance capital really cared about the environment, they wouldn't be chartering private jets or owning huge, energy-consuming mansions.
Hedge funds and private billionaires are currently buying up homes and farmland all over the world. Restrictions are only for others. As Klaus Schwab from the WEF has stated repeatedly: “You will own nothing and you will be happy!”
15-Minute Cities - The term refers to a community where residents can reach everyday essentials — like work, school, and shops — by walking, biking, or taking public transportation in 15 minutes or less. According to the globalists promoting the concept, 15-Minute Cities are necessary to fight climate change and support public health. Would you believe it? How can it be healthy to be locked up?
The 15-Minute City concept, the brainchild of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, is becoming a reality in the United States with the city of Cleveland, Ohio signing up for the scheme and vowing to implement Klaus Schwab’s vision.
Just think about it for a minute (or 15 minutes)… With the 15 Minute City concept the elite are constructing open-air prisons (or concentration camps) in which residents will be walled in, figuratively and literally. These will be nothing but the “forced lockdowns of the future”.
„The fundamental sense of freedom is freedom from chains, from imprisonment, from enslavement by others. The rest is extension of this sense, or else metaphor.“ — Isaiah Berlin
When looking at the story of Oxford, England, which is also moving towards complying with the WEF agenda and becoming a 15-Minute City. So what are the elite really planning when it comes to these new city designs?
A city official in Oxford, England let the cat out of the bag when he declared that “climate lockdowns” have arrived and are here to stay “whether people like it or not” as Oxford announced residents must apply for permission from the government to move around the city.
Residents of Oxfordshire will now need a special permit to go from one “zone” of the city to another. That sounds dystopian but is becoming a reality. Even residents who are granted a permit will only be allowed to travel from one zone to another “a maximum of 100 days per year.”
Oxfordshire County Council in March 2023 approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones to ‘save the planet’ from global warming. The latest stage in the ’15 minute city’ agenda is to place electronic gates on key roads in and out of the city, confining residents to their own neighborhoods.
Under the new scheme if residents want to leave their zone they will need permission from the Council which gets to decide who is worthy of freedom and who isn’t. Under the new scheme residents will be allowed to leave their zone a maximum of 100 days per year, but in order to even gain this every resident will have to register their car details with the council who will then track their movements via smart cameras around the city. Isn’t that the definition of totalitarianism and fascism?
If we accept the concept of climate lockdowns, we will be screwed!
Supervised thinking - I have written about that recently and if you missed it, you can read it here, or if you prefer, listen to it here.
Desocialising people - I don’t think much needs to be said to this account. I believe it started long before the COVID plandemic, but the division of the people, the hatred of each other, and downright fear of each other were perfected here. All other measures only serve to make desocialisation the norm. Words like SOCIAL DISTANCING alone are an atrocity against humanity. But terms like these have become part of everyday life.
Fear of whatever still has a tight grip on many and the constant propaganda in the mainstream media would have even made Goebbels proud. It has become almost impossible to avoid the propaganda (some still call it news) and the constant attempt of gaslighting and brainwashing. No matter where you go, what media you open, or whom you talk to, eventually there are only the dominant topics of fearmongering. It seems as though the world is evolving around all these hideous topics and nothing else counts anymore.
Many (intelligent and sophisticated) people who have questioned the measures during COVID-19, who were convinced that this whole issue had completely been blown out of proportion gave up and gave in to this psychological warfare. That is why they need to keep coming up with new scare tactics to keep people busy with these and ensure they do not fall out of line. A friend of mine feels sad and even depressed because if she dares say anything that is not in accordance with the approved narrative, she is mocked, ridiculed, or put in the same corner with extreme right-wingers - which has happened to me as well. People tell me to calm down and stop being upset about things and that I cannot change it anyway. But I am upset simply because what is happening in this world upsets me... Sue me!
We are under constant psychological torture and it is taking its toll on everyone in one way or the other. Some advocate the measures imposed on us without questioning anything (the main argument being that they cannot change it anyway) and some are seriously terrified of the virus, climate change, or whatever is presented to them currently, while others are just followers out of complacency.
We are undoubtedly and have been for the past years in the middle of WORLD WAR III.
„No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.“ — James Madison
Then there are those, like myself, who are desperately trying to understand why we locked down countries, even continents, why we forcefully incapacitated older people, and why we accepted numbers and measures without questioning their meaning and usefulness. Why did we allow our civil rights to be gradually taken away from us? I know the arguments of those who said wearing a mask was a small price to pay for saving lives and I am so tired of it. I'm tired of people trying to give me a bad conscience for not following everything like a lemming without questioning it.
I am a human being and it drives me to desperation that politics apparently willingly accept the many "collateral damages" that we have had in the past years and there is more to come. Hardly anyone speaks about the trauma people and especially children suffered, the abuse, the people who died because they were no longer treated or because they did not dare to be treated, hardly anyone talks about the people who took their own lives out of desperation, about the many who lost their existence. We do not speak of the many families that were destroyed because they could not handle the pressure. We do not speak about the many whose lives were destroyed by the injections that were proclaimed safe and effective. What kind of world is this in which neighbours denounce one another, where you are shouted at if you don't comply, where politicians that oppose the current regime are attacked in public and need to constantly fear for their lives and that of their families and the media downplays this?
The joy of life is being driven out of people and they are made docile. People are stirred up against each other and it works. Fear is used to try to break all resistance. Perhaps one person cannot do much but I do believe we still have the capacity to use our common sense, and our voices, to question what is happening around us and to not be a docile lemming that simply gives up and gives in.
„There is no life to be found in violence. Every act of violence brings us closer to death. Whether it's the mundane violence we do to our bodies by overeating toxic food or drink or the extreme violence of child abuse, domestic warfare, life-threatening poverty, addiction, or state terrorism.“ — bell hooks
🎶My Song of the Week
I thought this oldie by Stretch - Why Did You Do It? - is a great fit for today’s letter. Enjoy!
For more good music, go to this Spotify playlist where you can find all the songs from the Change & Evolve Letters!
📚My Poem of the Week
Is by the wonderful John O’Donohue (1956-2008)
This Is The Time To Be Slow
This is the time to be slow Lie low to the wall Until the bitter weather passes Try, as best you can, not to let The wire brush of doubt Scrape from your heart All sense of yourself And your hesitant light. If you remain generous, Time will come good; And you will find your feet Again on fresh pastures of promise, Where the air will be kind And blushed with beginning.
The stunningly beautiful birthday gift my daughter made me…
How are you dealing with the psychological warfare? Do you live in a C40 City?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments or send me a message. I very much enjoy hearing from you.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Tanja 🤗
Thanks Tanja for covering so much ground and. Ringing many ideas together. It is horrific to think that there are so many post vax injuries that will never see an association with the vax. We’ve come across quite a few people this week that suddenly have cancer and also quite a few heart problems. When you talk to people it seems like everyone has forgotten about the forced vaccination and it is evident that it will be easy to create another fear event.
On a positive note, I was very encouraged by your photo of the beautiful birthday gifts. Your daughter is amazingly talented and it brought me great joy. I thought to myself - it’s the simple things and people’s love that provide us hope. Happy birthday!
I’m with you in all of it but question the part about not wanting to speak out cause you’ll be labeled a right winger. If Leftists had listened to conservatives about what was happening we might not be here right now. It is way past time for Leftists to question their politics. They have shown the world who they are and it isn’t pretty!