So much is changing around us every day and it got me thinking quite a bit about the joys and pains in life lately. It might sound like these could be dark thoughts but it is rather the contrary. Joy and pain are so close together and one simply does not come without the other - a bit like sunshine and rain - you need both.
“Joy and pain, they are but two arteries of the one heart that pumps through all those who don’t numb themselves to really living.” — Ann Voskamp
What would nature look like with just sunshine and no rain? We actually know - it would be a desert.
Beautiful but rather uninhabitable - at least for most of us.
I have come to realize for myself that I love the seasons, the change of nature, temperature, finding great joy in the wind, the rain, and the stunningly beautiful colors that autumn has to offer. What also comes with this are the fierce storms, the bleak grey days where you rather snuggle up with a good book than go out. When it starts getting really cold and the first snowfalls in winter change the landscape once again and also change the mood. There are those beautiful crispy cold days with sunny blue skies that invite you to stomp through the untouched white snow. Then come the wet and freezing cold days, the snow has turned from white to grey (and in case you were not aware, NEVER eat yellow snow) and it is almost depressing. Then spring arrives with its promise of renewal and nature exploding with flowers and green and you feel you want to jump with joy while for others it is the season for allergies. The summer follows with its warmth and we are able to be outside more than in any other season. Sometimes it gets unbearably hot though and we feel uncomfortable. JOY AND PAIN!
But would I want it to be spring or summer and sunshine all the time? I can only speak for myself but the answer is definitely - NO!
I embrace the seasons just as I embrace the joys (I have had so many and intend to have many more) and pains (I had enough for several lives and will take all that are to come with as much grace as possible) that come with a life that is well-lived. I would most certainly not be the person or the woman I am today without them - and I admittedly really like myself as I am!
So for me, the change of seasons belongs together just as much as joy and pain in life. You probably don't learn to appreciate one without the other.
It's often said that life doesn't give you more than you can bear, and I think there could something to that.
Some people constantly chase the joy in life while others prefer to focus on the pain and the negative sides of life and even seem to attract them.
Then there are those who avoid pain at all costs no matter who they hurt to do so.
Some people manage to just live and take life as it comes with the good and the ugly, the joy and the pain, staying optimistic even when there seems to be nothing to be optimistic about.
There are also those people who live in a state of forgiveness and love, embracing life with all its joy and pain, being true to themselves no matter what others may think or say.
I am sure there are many more combinations of how some people approach the joys and pains that come with life.
“The body grows by food and work, the mind by use, and the soul through joy and pain.” — Myrtle Reed
At the end of the day, it is again all about balance and how you decide to live your life as well as how you deal with the joys and pains that are inevitably a part of everyone’s life at one point or another.
If you would like to connect with me, find out more about the Enneagram and yourself, how it can transform you and your life, I would be happy to take the time for a speed coaching call that you can reserve right here go to my website or simply hit reply and get in touch with me directly.
"Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary." — Khalil Gibran
🎶My Song of the Week
This is an amazing song by Maze - a band I had almost forgotten - featuring Frankie Beverly…
For more good music, go to this Spotify playlist where you can find all the songs from the Change & Evolve Letters!
📚My Poem of the Week
Is by William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
If This Great World Of Joy And Pain
If this great world of joy and pain
Revolve in one sure track;
If freedom, set, will rise again,
And virtue, flown, come back;
Woe to the purblind crew who fill
The heart with each day's care;
Nor gain, from past or future, skill
To bear, and to forbear!
Of the seasons…
There is one reader in particular that gives me amazing feedback and great food for thought and know that I am so grateful for each and every one of you taking the time to get back to me. Wishing you an amazing weekend and I cannot wait for your comments!
Tanja 🤗
Really appreciate these.
Frohe Ostern!
Can't "heart" the article- think it's due to recent substack changes pertaining to certain browsers. In any case, I "heart" this article :)
Update- now I can "heart" - must have been some sort of glitch.