NZ has set up “quarantine camps”
People can be forcibly removed to camps if there is a risk they may infect others in their households.
They will be detained without charge, or conviction of any crime, until they agree to a test & it’s negative.
What do you think about that?
KLAUS SCHWAB - Stating he greatly admires the Chinese system of governance and thinks many countries could adopt it, as he transforms the world.
This man has infiltrated governments and institutions globally, his influence must be stopped.
CHINA - Government has changed all protestors Covid QR codes to RED. Effectively locking them down.
Now you know what those thousands of camps they are building were for!
China doesn’t like dissent.. and that’s catching on in your country too!
Watch this and have your mind blown. Whoever wrote the script for this episode of X-Files has to be a time traveler or a senior deep state operative who revealed the entire plan just for giggles 🤯🤣
🎶My Song of the Week
For more good music, go to this Spotify playlist where you can find all the songs from the Change & Evolve Letters!
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