Monday, December 20, 2021
If you enjoy my Letter I would be delighted if you share it with the people you believe may like it as well!
📚My Poem of the Day
Rosario Castellanos (1925-1974) was a Mexican poet and author. She was one of Mexico's most important literary voices in the last century.
This amazing poet was brought to my attention by my friend from Mexico, Gabriela and I would like to thank her for enriching my knowledge of poetry with this extraordinary poet that is not well known in the English speaking world.
“Appeal To The Solitary One” by Rosario Castellanos is more relevant today than ever before as we are being forced into solitude by our governments and need others to survive and thrive.
Appeal To The Solitary One
It’s necessary, at times, to find company.
My friend, it’s not possible to be born or to die
without another. It’s good
that friendship removes
from work the appearance of punishment
and from happiness the illicit air of theft.
How could you be alone at that complete
hour, in which you talk and talk with things
until the dawn?
Apelación al solitario
Es necesario, a veces, encontrar compañía.
Amigo, no es posible ni nacer ni morir
sin con otro. Es bueno
que la amistad Ie quite
al trabajo esa cara de castigo
y a la alegría ese aire ilícito de robo.
¿Cómo podrías estar solo a la hora
completa, en que las cosas y til hablan y hablan,
hasta el amanecer?
🎶My Song of the Day
is this upbeat song, “Count On Me” by Bruno Mars…
If you love music as much as I do, you may appreciate that the songs of every Change & Evolve Letter can be found in the growing Spotify playlist. Just click and follow:
👀Impressions of the Day
This was taken a few years ago on one of my most beautiful walks ever - and I dreamed of this place last night. When I first saw it I almost expected a Hobbit, an Elf, or perhaps even Gandalf himself to appear from behind one of these rocks… It was simply magical…
💭Thought of the Day
I am quite good with solitude, as I know many are. There comes a time though when we need others, be it for company, for care, for some TLC, or just for the comfort of knowing we are not alone and can rely on others to be there…
If you would like to connect with me, find out more about the Enneagram and yourself, how it can transform you and your life, I would be happy to take the time for a speed coaching call that you can reserve right here , go to my website or simply hit reply and get in touch with me directly.
Wishing you an amazing start to the new week!
Tanja 🤗
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