I already mentioned routines in a relationship, and mixing these up a little can be unbelievably beneficial for a relationship, so try…
The everyday life with your partner, the routines can be something wonderful. It is that reliability you have in a relationship, the warm fuzzy feeling of coming home and knowing what you are coming home to. It is what makes you feel safe and secure.
This security can quickly become tricky as – and you have heard this before – it can become boring and even frustrating after a while – groundhog day all over again…
One of the secrets is spending quality time together. That is not always easy when you work a lot, have small children, and have many other obligations. But once in a while, you need to remember that you are not only mothers and fathers, hard workers, volunteers within your community, or whatever, but you are also a woman and man with wants and needs that need to be and should be addressed.
If you would like to connect with me, find out more about the Enneagram and yourself, how it can transform you and your life, I would be happy to take the time for a speed coaching call that you can reserve right here go to my website or simply hit reply and get in touch with me directly.
If you cannot do a spontaneous date night, picnic, or take a hike together, or whatever else you enjoy doing togetherness’s , then plan it. Get a babysitter, put it in your calendar (that may not sound very romantic but doing nothing is even less romantic), and just make it happen. Mix up the daily routine and do something out of the ordinary, and it doesn’t need to be costly, just thoughtful.
Prepare lunch for your partner to take to work and spice it with a little love note. Just be creative, you know best what your partner loves. It can mean all the difference to sometimes go that extra mile and show how much you care… Build some beautiful memories with the one you love!
🎶My Song of the Day
I’m usually not that into country music but this stunningly beautiful song is definitely an exception… It’s is essentially all about “The Good Stuff” in a relationship.
📚My Poem of the Day
Is by the sisters Eliza (1779-1848) and Sarah G. Wolcott (1793-1817)
On Memory
Life is sweeten'd by thy power,
And the fallen years return,
Draws the eurtain from an hour,
Thither we a lesson learn.
Take the veil from former years,
Brightens eyes bedim'd with grief,
Sooths our sorrows and our tears,
Thither may we find relief.
Mem'ry cheers in joy or wo,
Though our earthly hopes are riven,
Though our tears awhile may flow,
Soon our bark may rest in heaven.
Another morning view from my balcony. That’s definitely quality time…
Have an amazing day and spend some quality time with the one you love, building wonderful memories!
Tanja 🤗
PS. Today you are receiving the 50th edition of the Change & Evolve Letter and I am so happy that you are with me on this crazy journey.
So it is time for me to say THANK YOU! 🙏🏼🤗❤️