Especially in long-term relationships, we tend to simply forget about…
This is a huge mistake and one that at a certain point can even lead to losing your partner. I have said and even written it many times and I deeply believe it to be true that everyone essentially needs three things to be happy:
be seen
be heard
be recognized/loved
Taking your partner for granted can make him/her feel like an object, like someone that doesn’t count and is just useful. Interestingly this is something that does not only occur in long-term relationships but often sneaks in very quietly and quickly if you don’t watch out. It starts with little habits and routines that make every day seem the same – a bit like groundhog day! Nothing could be worse. It becomes tiresome and can even become deadly boring.
In summary, the killers in a relationship can be:
constantly repeating a routine
lack of interest in one another
seeing the other as someone special - which they are!
not listening to one another - I know men and women speak a different language but don’t stop trying to learn womanspeak or manspeak
We all want to be special, especially to our partner, to the people we love and want to be loved by. There is little that feels worse than being taken for granted when all we want is to be seen as the unique individual that we are.
If you would like to connect with me, find out more about the Enneagram and yourself, how it can transform you and your life, I would be happy to take the time for a speed coaching call that you can reserve right here go to my website or simply hit reply and get in touch with me directly.
Of course some relationships – and I know this is devastating – are not meant to be forever (the happily ever after is more often than not a hopelessly romantic Hollywood story – although they rarely show the work that a healthy and happy relationship needs when the film ends). But it is ok, as long as you tried your best. And even if it doesn’t work out, treat the person you loved with kindness and respect. Sometimes feelings just do not last through changes and personal development that we all go through in our lives.
But the person you fell in love with is special – otherwise, you would not have been attracted to one another in the first place. So why not give it your best shot and make sure that you show that you care and not take the one you love for granted – at least most of the time. Think about it and look at your relationships, your friendships and see what you can do to show you care.
As simple as the rules are, as simple I like to keep the short explanations, if you feel something is missing (and I am sure there is a lot more to be said), just let me know…
🎶My Song of the Day
I dedicate this one to a very special person…
📚My Poem of the Day
I chose another poem by the “people’s poet” Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959).
We who have wept together know what it means
to love
We who have suffered sorrow, strewn roses a
mound above
And knelt on the ground together to whisper a
common prayer
With trembling lips and hearts aching know what
it means to share.
Time was when we danced together and laughed
as the day went by.
Month after month we romped through with
never a tear in her eye.
We fancied we loved each other, but little of life
we knew.
And I was a jesting comrade with only my work
to do.
Then suddenly sorrow found us. Out there by a
tiny grave
We learned what it means to be tender and just
what it means to be brave.
We learned that love deepens and strengthens by
hurts it is asked to bear,
And out of our common heartache we learned
what it means to share.
I have a thing for flowers. Strangely I don’t like roses but I love poppies that cannot be put in a vase, so sometimes red tulips have to do…
Have a fabulous day and why not show your partner how special he/she is to you - just a little more than usual!
Tanja 🤗